MyAFTERSCHOOLApp suite of application helps schools streamline their curriculum, with customization, in providing efficient delivery of learning outcomes and improve the quality of learning as well as providing a shared learning environment that brings Parents, Teachers and Children together.

Customized School’s Curriculum

Customized school curricula focus on engaging students at every step of their learning journey, tailoring education to individual needs, strengths, and interests. These flexible and dynamic programs utilize technology and encourage extracurricular activities to foster lifelong learning and 21st-century skills. Collaboration among teachers, administrators, parents, and students is essential, while challenges like time constraints and standardized testing require consideration.


Progressive Reports

Bespoke data solutions offer comprehensive and progressive reports for students, classes, schools, and cohorts within the region. These customized data tools provide valuable insights and analysis to track student progress, evaluate class performance, assess school achievements, and gain a holistic understanding of student groups over time. By tailoring these reports to specific needs, educational institutions can make informed decisions and enhance the overall effectiveness of their academic programs.


Online Marketplace

The online marketplace serves as a platform that connects enrichment providers, home tuition partners, and parents. This digital hub brings together a diverse range of educational resources and services, allowing parents to explore and choose from a plethora of enrichment programs and home tuition options for their children. By providing a centralized and accessible space, the marketplace facilitates seamless communication and collaboration between all stakeholders, fostering a supportive and enriching learning environment for students of all ages and interests.


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